So, following on the heels of diamond shawl numero uno is yet another earthy delight...

This shawl is much larger than it's predecessor and almost resembles the tail feathers of a turkey when viewing it from the back...

Not unlike my past diamond shawls, I edged each motif with a crochet (sc) border and then assembled the pieces using crochet (sl st) as well. I am not a fan of sewing knitwear of any kind together. I always crochet my seams, be they sweater or shawl. I have found that my crocheted seams are not only stronger than the ones I have sewn, but they are also more uniform than their sewn counterparts. And I like uniform seams, kids. They make me very happy!

Lots of varied yarn weights exhibited in the newest version of this shawl as well.
More of these to come as I have a lot of odd ball stash to power through. Oh, different woven motif shapes are in the works as well. Loving my lap looms to be sure!
It's beautiful! The colors work so well together.
Great job! It is very flattering on you, and the design is truly a work of art.
That is gorgeous! I really need to pick up my hooks again, I miss crafting so much.
Thanks you guys! I do love making these. Everytime I finish enough diamonds (or squares or whatever) I get so excited about crocheting the pieces together. It is definitely a simple pleasure...
Now that is a gorgeous shawl.
Wouahhh! I love it! It 's very beautiful! Colors are warms! I love the black around the other colors! BEAUTIFUL!
Wow, what a gorgeous shawl- such a unique design!
Oh, wow.
that is an amazing shawl!
Thank you all for your sweet comments. I am trying to get back into the swing of fiber things. It's been tougher than I thought possible, but definitely better with you guys cheering me on!
Hi, I don't know if this is the right place to put this but it's the only way I can find to post a comment on your blog.
I purchased the pattern The Saw That Dripped Blood from this site a few day's ago and haven't received it yet. Would you please contact me at
I like the diamon shawl and I am curious to know how long it took you to complete it. I too love to crotchet and add crotchet patterns to my blog @
WAHHH! I love this!
beautiful lady.... beautiful cloth...
I like this. It reminds me of stained glass, which I love.
I like this. It reminds me of stained glass, which I love.
This is stunning! Looks like a "gotta have it" to me!
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