On that note, I am not afraid of change. I dare say that I actually like change. Love it even though it proves challenging. That being said, there are certain routines I have established in my life that provide me with some consistency, a familiar respite while undergoing the sometimes unsettling process of transition. For example, creating has always been both a place of discovery and solace for me. Making is an essential part of my day, a place to rest and recoup after a long day of negotiating the unfamiliar obstacles of my new path. Another routine I enjoy immensely is cooking. I find the process of creating with food all at once meditative, experimental, challenging and satisfying. So, although my work spaces and kitchens change, my mind and collateral tools are able to set up shop and get to work! Speaking of which...
Enough already with the introspective blather! Let's get on with the purpose of this post!
So, yes, experimentation abounds in the ChezLinoleum test kitchen right down to those dark, rich beans used to brew our morning cuppa joe. Yep, the special man friend and I roasted our own coffee beans and we didn't F it up either! Read on...
Step One

Procure some green beans. No, not the haricot vert variety! You want to obtain coffee beans that are ready for roasting, which happen to be a very delectable shade of army green. Basically, green coffee beans have had their outer skins removed and are then dried out. Only green beans are ready for the roasting process. Don't try to find a pick your own coffee farm! Anyway, one of my beloved's coworkers gifted him with a bag of bee-you-ti-ful Ethiopian green beans. So, loving a cooking challenge we began to do a bit of research on the intertubes to figure out how to help our green beans brown up.
Step Two
After procuring beans, it is time to determine your roasting platform. Your choices are to buy a spendy machine, plug it in and let it do the job for you (this is very much akin to a bread machine in my mind), haul your green buddies out to your next campsite and roast 'em over the campfire OR bulk up your biceps with a rather lengthy stove top stir-fest in your mom's cast iron skillet. What method did we choose? None of the above! Actually, we made up our own method after reading about all of three of these options on this site.

My man and I happened upon this glorious piece of small appliance perfection (above) at our local Target and decided it met all of our coffee roasting requirements (cheap, able to keep beans in constant motion, allows us to maintain our weak biceps and as a bonus, it makes a darn good bowl of popcorn). Oh, and I like the fact that it's called Stir Crazy. Hey, I'm easily entertained...
Step Three
Dump beans into the Stir Crazy and plug it in. Oh, if you do decide to do this at home, make sure to set your Stir Crazy under your stove top fan if possible, as an inevitable byproduct of coffee roasting is the smoke. Stove top fan kept the Linoleum test kitchen smoke-free!

Watching coffee beans go in circles in the Stir Crazy is like watching waves break on shore. Okay, maybe not, but I know I was mesmerized!
Step Four
When beans have browned up to desired color, cut the power to the Stir Crazy and move your beans to a colander. Grab a second colander and pour beans back and forth from one to the other until they've cooled. Store them in an airtight container and let them rest for 24 hours.

Step Five
Grind some beans and drink up!

Neato right???
If you're ready to try this at home kids, take a look at this site as they have lots of varieties of green beans and a more substantive set of directions. Have fun!
How cool ! Thanks for the link too !
now isn't this just amazing. Here I come to visit your blog and find you're roasting coffee. I just got an air popper and beans for my birthday! Kewel! Glad to see you're doing well!
Have you ever heard of using okra seeds as a coffee substitute? I was doing research online last year to find out more about okra and came across a very informative site that said they'd roasted and ground okra seeds for coffee and that their guests didn't know it wasn't coffee. I'm thinking about trying this, except I don't have a coffee grinder, tho I DO have a crank popcorn popper. :)
Jimbo! I miss you! Did you know that I am whittling now too??? You're my whittling idol you know. Hey, thinking about a possible trip up your way soon...
Moonshadow, that is an excellent idea! Super intriguing.
Naomi, try it! Totally satisfying.
This is so cool. I am going to try this. Thanks for the neat idea. I am a new blogger. If you want to stop by my blog I'd like to hear what you think. http://acaffeinatedme.blogspot.com/
making tea from tea beans....
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