Okay, no comments about the flash induced red-eye and lack of eye makeup PLEASE!
So, I give you my first FO from the Vintage Hat CAL, thank you very much. This groovy Gloria Swansoneque turbo turban was easy as pie to crochet. Literally it was a 37" by 7" strip of stripe-age. I thought to myself while working this fuzzy puppy up, "Self, this is going to work up in no time, piece o' cake, um, err, pie!" Well, the crocheting part was simple...However, ask me how many times I wrapped this thing on my head before finally pinning it into place to sew. C'mon I dare ya...
Let's just say I stood in the mirror for at least an hour the first night I attempted the wrap-age that resulted in me looking like a drunken version of the genie in Disney's Aladdin. The second night of wrapdown resulted in the configuration you see above. I still have issues with it, but thankfully, my issues are not detectable to anyone I modeled this turbo turban for. So, I am hailing the project a success and moving onto the flower encrusted muff and headband. Yee haw!
I finished another wearable this weekend as well. Yep, that's two FO's for moi in addition to cleaning my home and hosting a birthday extravaganza for my offspring. Neener, neener, neeee-ner...

Tackled the Vogue Knitting cover sweater above substituting Rio de Plata handspun for the yarn-age the pattern called for. Come to think of it, I rarely use the yarn called for in any given pattern. This means I always, always swatch. Call it a substitution occupational hazard. At any rate here's my very colorful version of the VK beauty pictured above, shown below:

And here's the $13 button I attached to the back (yes, I spent $13 on ONE button and just look at how bee-you-ti-ful it 'tis...worth each and every of the 1300 pennies I shelled forth):

Not a bad weekend. Finished some fun items and had a wonderful birthday celebration for my lovely daughter. It doesn't get much better than that!
Oh and speaking of Lena's birthday, she wanted me to let you all know that she was so touched by your wonderful birthday wishes. She actually teared up (as did I) upon reading your lovely sentiments. As always, you guys are really wonderful. My deepest heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you! Smooches all around!
Your turban is fabulous and so Sunset Blvd.
Love the turban!
The turban hat is very, very chic! And I like the sweater as well.
Oh wow. I bow down to your swatch-ability. I don't think I've ever used a yarn that was called for in a pattern, but I think I have swatched once in my knitting life. Of course, I also have some pretty mishaped sweaters...Why oh why can I not get it into my thick head that knitting a 4 inch square isn't an insurmoutable hurdle? Really, it takes far less time than, say ripping out the whole damn sweater once you finish it and realize it looks like a drunk wacko knit it (well, a drunk wacko did knit it, but you know what I mean...)
Ha! Great turban!
LOVE it!! i must make one!!! send me the info on the chapeau-along... i want in!
Both projects look fantastic!
that turban looks very 20's.... it looks fab!! i think i would also love it in a 2 color striking combo... :)
and the button? so worth it!
Wow! The hat came out great!
The turban looks terrific! I can see the lights dimming and the music playing, oh Mr. DeMille!
Lovely shrug/sweater and very stylish button!
I agree, the turban is great looking and very Sunset Blvd.
Love it and will look into the vintage hat CAL
I love the colors in the sweater. The button is fabulous!
Happy (very, very belated) birthday to your daughter. She is beautiful.
I totally love it! I am going to start working on mine.
very very nice regina! i love the button and the sweater for that matter. turban is super too!
That's fantastic! I dare you to wear it to high tea.
I made some progress on the Muff of Many Roses this weekend:
lol i love the turban! i'm sure it was like 5000000000 times you tried doing it. go you finishing so much this weekend! the wrap looks fab almost hispanic! YUMMY
Swatches?! We don' need no stinkin' swatches!!! Actually, being po', I always substitute, and I rarely swatch. Hence, my inability to make anything fitted (or for anyone over 5 y/o). The turban and sweater look FA-BOO. Hope Lena's b-day was the BEST.
From a fellow aquarian.
That's one DISTURBIN' TURBAN! I just love it! So, are you going to wear this to work too? I want to be there when you walk in the door of your office, if you do! It's the perfect headgear for a bad hair day!
jumpin' jacob in a jelly jar! I want to reach through the computer and *touch* both projects. The turban is too cool, and the sweater yarn looks really fabulous!
Hey lady! Gosh I wished I looked HALF that good with no makeup...all I have to say is THANK GOODNESS FOR COVER GIRL....
Im working on an afghan for my sister, but not very seriously as I am swamped with school....I hate school....lololol Im such a baby
I'm so impressed! Does the turban have beads in it? Wow. And that button was worth every penny.
Truban is great, as is the sweater-I like your colorful version much better!
The turban looks great.
Sorry I missed the little ones b-day. Tell her I said her crafts are beautiful. By the time she gets to be our age, she will have surpassed even the most talented out there now. Hope her day was wonderful.
In the instance that I happen to bump into you while you are wearing you fabulous new sweater concoction, I would like to apologize in advance for trying to tear it off your body and run away with it. I really wont be able to help myself- it's a sickness and the button was/is the clincher.
*Says the lady who thinks nothing of adding $60 worth of buttons on a $10 thrift store leopard coat...
I'll say it again- you seriously rock.
Happy belated birthday!
Love the WIPS. Can't wait to see the muff and headband as they are my favs.
LOL WIPS should read FOs!
I am liking the turban VERY much!
Gorgeous sweater! Love the button.
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