My creations are most definitely influenced by American popular culture.
Yep, from our junk food infested shores to our reality TV riddled screens, from our darkened movie theatres awash in cinematic glow to our bazillion song enabled iPods accompanying us to and fro, massive media overload at every turn, strip malls galore, actors turned politicos, OC chicks and oh so much more! This place is an artist's sensory playground I tell you. It should be explored, adored, feared and indulged, held at arms length and viewed under a microscope.
As both a keen observer and participant in the pop culture sandbox, I find that I have a difficult time slowing down the ideas proffered from the din. Now, some of those conceptions have a limited self life. Others however, have staying power. Yep, those veterans of my cerebrum are the golden nuggets that I tend to make corporeal in all of their brilliant technicolor, three-dimensional glory.
One such stubborn squatter in my grey matter urged me to make it a reality after recently having screened one of my all-time favorite films by one of my all-time favorite filmmakers. I mean come on! How could I not pay homage to a film filled to the, um, gizzard with voracious winged things flying through plate glass windows, plucking the eyes from unsuspecting townspeople and well, just generally terrorizing a sleepy little hamlet located on the north coast of my beloved golden state. And let's not forget about the all-star cast! Hi Tippi, Rod and Suzanne! Oh, and that fashion era is one of my faves. Love Tippi's little green suit.
Yep, I've loved this film since I was a wee Linoleum (I know, I have a call into a local therapist, no worries) and have been making art inspired by this cinematic jewel for quite a while now...
Take this little illustration I created a few years ago as part of a larger narrative:

I like this piece, though it just doesn't compare with some of the 3D works I found in this tome (which I purchased upon first inspection at my local bookseller I might add):

After seeing the crazy pop-ups in this compendium I knew I needed to take my ideas off of the page and onto the street, so to speak. So, here's my newest tribute to the battle of the bird modeled by LittleLinoleum...

Using a combination of crochet and knit to create this ensemble, I also managed to make a serious dent in my acrylico stashio. In addition, this little diddy is quite versatile as those birdies have pins that erupt from their bellies enabling the wearer to customize the attack formations before sporting the look about town. Not bad eh?

I may be deluded, but I think Alfred would be proud.
Copyright 2007 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
What will you come up with next?
"I may be deluded, but I think Alfred would be proud." LOL Yes, I think he would. :D
The model is stunning............loved the birds....I keep thinking you could really do something fabulous with some of Steven Kings stories( i would say that living in Maine) I await your next creation...........Sydney
Fantastic! I like the hat design too-Lena looks beautiful!
Brilliant! I love to see what you dream up and create!
Sheer genius! All it needs now is crocheted bird poop. :)
You are the coolest girl ever. And Lena is beautiful! Amazing.
That looks so awesome! If you wrote up the pattern, that would be this year's Halloween costume! Oh, and I hope your nose is healing well, that had to be horrible to have surgery AND a cold at the same time.
This is my favorite yet! I know I say that every time, but it's really true!
Another amazing creation! I absolutely love it. Hope you're feeling much better and that your cold has gone.
That is so cool...I even like the colour and I'm not drawn to greens :)
I know Hitch would love it. It's AMAZING! There's a pop-up Hitchcock book?! Thanks for the new addition to my wish list!
Brilliant! you are my crochet hero! Where is Tippi Hedren when we need her?
Simply glorious!! Bravo Lady L!! Encore, encore!!
Those are too perfect!
Alfred would be SO proud. Oh my oh my, love it! I want one for next halloween... Meanwhile, have YOU seen this?
I love it! The best Halloween costume I ever made was attaching fake birds to a sweaterhirt with little drips of red paint (blood) and white paint (bird poo).
This looks way classier. The jaunty beret, the delicate picot edging on the shawl. Very nice. And you could probably affix the birds to look much friendlier if you wanted. A very versatile garment, Ms. Linoleum.
"sweaterhirt" = sweatshirt.
The look on her face is priceless. LOL :) I love it!
Awesome. :) Rock on, as always!
Awesome as always!
I just happened upon your site via Crochetville. You design such amazing and creative objects. I love how they're on the gorey don't see that often. Keep up the good work.
I'm smiling all big and crazy right now over this creation!!
I love Bodega Bay, and in fact got married there. And the peeps who ran the garden where we had our reception? Extras in the movie! Oh yes, it was way cool. There is a gazebo in their garden that was featured in the movie. Love it :)
Meanwhile...I'm tagging you for a meme someone looped me into. It has a "weird" theme, which I thought might interest a gal like yourself. Come see...
I love you, I love you, I love you!!!!
this is just terrific! (i am de-lurking!) i love hitch, and this movie is too cool! your design is so perfect! i remember watching 'the birds' as a kid, and my auntie covering my eyes at the gory parts. the pop-up book sounds too cool too!
AB-FAB, our Lady of Lino!!! I'm waiting for you to crochet some bird poop next.
this is the scariest thing i've ever seen.
you know how i feel about birds, missy.
O my gawd-a Hitch fan! I think he would so love that!
You, Lady Linoleum, are a genius.
That is all.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways! That is fantastic!
That is one of my favorite movies, so I really loved this one! Fabulous that you can rearrange the "attack pattern"!
Your designs as always are opulent and nothing less than Golden Globe Award material. Keep up the good work.
Lady, you are the top chick! I love this!
I'm new to this blog ... but this is fantastic! Great job! (And cute kid!)
I always adored her suit, too - and the scarfed-hair-convertable look.
Great pieces!
Love it...showed it to my husband and he thinks a Jaws-themed hat should be your next horror film brought to life. You could do a whole classic horror series.
Do you take money orders? I so want the hat and wrap. Though I might change it to lovebirds.
I'm sure Alfred would be proud. You are my muse for all things outthere.
oh my gosh! I love it.
Alfred would be VERY proud.... My folks let me stay up and watch it when I was six.... twisted... probably... but I loved it! And I so love the chapeau and stole!
Is it possible that Lady Lena is getting more beautiful, while your creations are getting more incredible?! I agree with Annika - my favorite one yet! (until the next one...)
oh my stars! this birdy themed bit is lovely!!!! alfred would love it to i am sure.
love your weirdnesses. shallow? nawh, just will call ya ms. marcos...
Fabulousness. The birds were a great touch.
How i love this creation.. Lena looks like she's enjoying the experience too.
That is so great! You are so creative!
That is just sooooooo twisted! But that's what makes it utterly awesome!!
Love it, love it. I almost want to run away :)
oh my gosh, are you going to publish the bird pattern somewhere? i reeeeeaaalllly need to crochet some birds now!
That's awesome.
I love this set! Now, I would not could not wear fried eggs on my arms, but blackbirds soaring I could handle!
Is there a pattern for those birds? I'd be willing to buy it!!
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