Ahhh, nothing like a bit of crocheted blood to get me in the holiday spirit! Direct from the Runway of the Wrongway, we have a very fashionable as well as functional example of Slasher Film Chic...

Oh yeah! The Saw That Dripped Blood...SCARF!
This was a quick crochet (at least until I got to the bloody portion of the program), made entirely from Cascade 220. The blood? Yeah, that took some time to accomplish as it is one continuous line of surface crochet. I rather like the results though.
And quite fetching on my crafty cohort, Jenna!

Best part? Yep, pattern is available on my sidebar if you'd like to give it slice! I know, bad joke. Whatever. Anyway, if you do decide to make one, I suggest a few severed fingers as an accompaniment.
Happy, Happy Halloween!
Copyright 2007 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
In the words of Matt, this rocks my face off.
Did you know I wait with bated breath for your Halloween goodies? Now, I'll try not to lose my head over this scarf, but no promises. It's full of awesome.
Utterly freakin' brilliant!
Wow! That's on beyond Neato.
I saw you over on craftster and thought that looks like Lady Linoleum-- and it was! Very cool.
I can always count on you for the most unique FOs. This is fabulous!
Surface crochet can be so gruesome!
Brilliant! Where do you come up with these things!
The things you come up with never cease to amaze me. My daughter would probably get a kick out of one of those for Halloween.
Awesome!! I know a few men who would LOVE it!
Oh wow--do you think this is an easy enough pattern for a beginning crochet-er (though confident knitter)? I don't know if I could knock it out in time for Halloween, but that's ok--we love the macabre year round!
Love it! I was wondering if we were going to get some Halloween goodies from you!
So, so, so awesome! I love your creativity, especially when it ventures (as it so often does) to the darker side of life. Yaay for crocheted blood!
my dear,
you have gone over the edge...
and we love it!
hee hee.
hey, i got some new doggies last night from megan... stop by and peruse their funniness!
That is so awesome that I blogged about it!
Very, very cool !!
you are a brilliant, brilliant mind!
It must be very spooky in your head. This is a fine piece of gruesome handiwork.
I will be making this one very soon! Brilliant!
Fantastic!! A great accessory to wear when watching horror movies. Saw IV is coming out soon! :D
Ha ha ha! Awesome.
Oh hello, that is way too brilliant!! You are a master, there can be no doubt! Way to go!!
Looks fantastic, very creepy, yet elegant like Morticia y Gomez. LOL
i love this so much. i cant even describe the emotion i felt when viewing this scarf :B
oh and hello from a new reader!
HA HA HA! seeing as how my family has a tendency to lose digits on saws, I think the whole family may need them!
I want that scarf! Oooh, I want that scarf!
OHPLEEZOHPLEEZ can I pleeeeeze buy this pattern? MUST HAVE.
I am in awe - I love it!
Every time I think you can't possibly do anything more cool--there you go, being even MORE cool! This scarf is brilliant!
This is one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time! Rock on...
You've been boingboinged! (boingboing.net)
I'm a huge fan of your work and am happy for you :)
Rode the internet over here from BoingBoing. Great stuff! "Knower of adhesive tools.". LOL! Keep up the good work.
It's simply adorable.
Sorry, I meant really, really frightening! ;-))
What Not To Crochet http://whatnottocrochet.wordpress.com/ just posted your scarf as something NOT to crochet.
They have no taste...no taste at all.
plus, since the new person took over that blog, she edits any comments that dont support the fugliness... I've posted several comments that basically say I dont see anything wrong or fugly about something, and they just never show up in the blog comments.
You are the most clever girl!
So awesome! Almost makes me want to convert to crochet!
Oh my God, that is awesome! Very creative, and very cool. Nice job of surface crocheting the blood!
Fanbloodytastic. I love it. Also, Megalion, it's a scarf to wear when NOT watching movies that aren't in the horror genre. I'd wear it while watching a Doris Day movie. In fact, I think it would make a Doris Day movie more enjoyable.
could I purchase this from you? it would make me so happy. please contact me at: soundgirl@hellokitty.com
Single greatest scarf I've ever seen!
heh heh.. superrr..
Hi!! I bought the pattern for this saw yesterday but I haven't recieved it yet, I know it has been few time but I just wanted you to know :D Thanks!!!
Hi I bought the saw that dripped blood scarf pattern..I have no idea when i bought it lol...a couple days ago and haven't recieved the pattern yet :)
Misspoison76@yahoo.com is the email address!
Thanks so much...its going to be a present!!!
hey bought this pattern a few weeks ago and haven't gotten the pattern in my email yet just a reminder
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