Okay, let's check out them thar WIPs!
So, I started weaving on my tri-loom this weekend and as is my way I began weaving with THE most difficult yarn I could have chosen to use. Yep, it's fuzzy and because of the fuzz factor, pulling the weft yarn across from one side to the other tends to be a tangly nightmare. As a result I ended up cutting my first weaving off of the loom, sighed heavily and went out to dinner with my husband and mother. Returning home, belly full and two glasses of wine happier, I was determined to try again WITH the same yarn. Hey, I'm persistent if nothing else!
This process was definitely better the second time around. I figured out that if I comb through the warp before weaving the weft, the tangle factor ceases to exist.
I'm little more than half way done at this point.

Next up, I'm trying my hand at embroidery!

Crewel embroidery to be exact.

Last Wednesday evening I took a crewel embroidery class at the Urban Craft Center and have been gittin' my thread on ever since! Really though, the class was illuminating. I learned a few tricks that have allowed me to work smarter and cleaner. Even stitches make me very happy!
There is also much knitting and crocheting going on, but I'll wait a bit to show you what's occupying my sticks and hooks.
Now on the publication front, I received my contributors copy the Crochet Today holiday issue. I've got two patterns in there: the Retro Reindeer Tree Skirt and the Stained Glass Afghan. The tree skirt and 'ghan look wonderful, which is good because making those two things simultaneously just about killed me. Aside from my pattern contributions, the magazine also a featured me in an article! And I don't come across as a complete dumb ass! I'm so excited!!
Anyway, also on the pubs front, Bag Style is now available! Yes, now you too can crochet market totes to your heart's content. Cool huh?
Lastly, but definitely not leastly, one of my peeps, who happens to be a weaver, sent me a pic of a weaving he created using my Jolly Roger Chart.

Round of applause for Steve's amazing handiwork! Love it when people share their versions of my patterns. Makes me very happy!
Happy Tuesday everyone!
I love the weaving, it looks fantastic.
Wow, crewel work, I haven't done that it years. I used to really like it, hmmmmmm, no, I don't need to start another crafty thing, at least not yet.
Bye the way, I'm still drooling over the Stained Glass Afghan.
That's so crewel!!! HAH. Congrats on the pub!!! Even tho I don't crochet (much), I'll have to check eet out!
Ooh, I can't wait to get my issue CT-patterns and an article, super cool!
The weaving is fascinating,no I don't need another hobby.
Steve's Jolly Roger is awesome!
i need to get better at embroidery.
Yay on the no dumb ass front.
That loom scares the hell out of me. Can't wait to see the finished product. And i'm not looking at your embroidery lest you drag me into another craft I don't have time for.
Love the way the weaving is turning out - looks soft and delicate. You do so much - when do you sleep!!!
Your weaving is lovely, and I can't wait to see your projects/read about you in Crochet Today!
How you manage all this WITH a day job is flippin' inspiring.
The weaving is coming along great! It looks like it will be well worth the hassle...
Congrats on the article!
Steve's woven Jolly Roger is GORGEOUS!!!!
YOu are having a great time with the loom, and it takes practice I imagine. I think that next time you need to do a bookmark in the space time continium. Looking forward to your wonderful work, you will probably have to add another floor to your house!
Crafty is fun!
i really like your retro embroidery. Did you get a pattern for that or is it straight out of your crafty mind? Love it. Thanks for the inspriation.
Oh, I love your embroidery patterns. I second the poster who asked if they're commercial or something you made up ... the circles are gnarly.
Hurry up and go through the applications so you can pick mine, okay?
Oh, and this comment has been brought to you by Delurk Day; I'm not the originator, I'm just participating, but you can find out more at http://mind-flush.blogspot.com
Thanks for all your posts - you're an inspiration (and your talent is an object of envy).
Picked up the Crochet Today Issue and the Make Halloween issue that features your crochet eyeballs in the "Cabinet of Horrors" section. Makes me want to dig out the pattern and make some eyeballs of my own!
OMG I have a piece of crewel that I did when I was about 6. No wonder my parents always referred to it as cruel crewel.
"I learned a few tricks that have allowed me to work smarter and cleaner."
Ooo, sounds intriguing. Dare I ask what these tricks were?
The Stained Glass Afghan is gorgeous! I may have to go find the magazine so I can make it1
You are really good at crewel work-so nice and neat.
That skull is pretty kewl too.
Wow!! I don't know how you do it all - crochet, weave, embroider, puppets and so on. I'm so impressed (and a bit envious). You're an inspiration! Everything looks super fabulous. BIG congrats on the article (can't wait to get my copy, I LOVE CT). Keep up the good work!!!
Hi. thanks for adding me to your blog. I have added you to my main website. I was wondering, is it possible for you to link to my site instead of my blog? http://www.laraberch.com
If it's no trouble of course :-)
wow, congrats on being in 'crochet today' and the article!
I'm definitley buying that issue :)
oh my god LL. i love that crewl. i forgot all about taht and WOW something i can actually do. thanks so much for the push!!!
you are just way too cool.... :)
i should have known that the apple market bag was yours! it has been on my " i would really like to make some day" list
i think the yarn and the magazine are together in a bag somewhere....
I just got the issue of Crochet Today just for the Stained Glass Window Afghan (well and others, I like the magazin). I've started it this past weekend. Very unique how it assembles. You did a great job.
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