Well, they've finally done it. The internet firewall guards here at the Cube Farm are preventing employee access to the blogosphere. Oh yeah. They have shut the door, locked it up tightly and tossed the key over the nearest cliff.
No Blogger. No Typepad. No Wordpress. No nothing.
A fellow Farm Inmate has been sending me third party server addresses for the past couple of days, but those get sucked into the abyss that is our firewall within hours of first contact. To say that I am frustrated is an understatement. Really, I could go on and on, but I'll spare you all.
Let's move on, shall we? I'd rather talk about the uber-crafty weekend I just had after all. There was spinning, dying, crocheting, weaving, embroidery as well as a smattering of knitting! Actually, I feel that I have embarked upon a crafty renaissance of sorts. So much stuff to do with yarn (and thread) and so little time!
Anyway, my weekend began early as I took Friday off. So nice. I just sat around weaving and dying hanks of yarn all day. I needed the respite from the now evil and dreaded blog-blocking Cube Farm. I know. I just cannot let it go. Whatever.
Lookie how purty my yarn is though...

I do have a few weaving FOs, but I'm saving those for a post all their own.
Saturday I spent the day immersed in a 6 hour spinning workshop with John Pitblado at the Urban Craft Center. Oh my God, it was life changing. No really, it was!
First and foremost, I heart the Urban Craft Center. Angharad and Carolyn are awesome. The space is awesome. It's just blocks from my home, which...hel-lo? Is awesome. Love the UCC.
And I love John too! He's really a wonderful teacher, very patient and encouraging. Truly, the man is a gifted educator and coming from me, that's saying something because I used to teach teachers how to be teachers!

Anyhow, we began the workshop learning how to spin with a drop spindle. In the past, I tried to teach myself the art of the drop spindle using this book for reference. Each and every time I failed. In fact, I was beginning to believe I that I was suffering from a heinous ailment known as spindle-block, a very serious disease for a yarn devotee such as myself. However, it appears that I suffer no more for within a few hours I had accomplished this...

And it felt good.
Drop spindle conquered, it was time to move to THE WHEEL. I'd like to say I took to spinning on a wheel like a duck to water, but as is my way, I hit the curve, the learning curve that is, which for moi can be a bit steep. Fortunately, the curve flattened a bit within hours. So, by the time we reached the end of our session I had accomplished...

I made ya-arn.
I made ya-arn!
I made ya-arn!
There is a spinning wheel in my future, of this you can be sure. There are also more UCC and John Pitblado workshops in my future too. Did I mention that I love them?
Sunday, though not as eventful as Saturday or as restful as Friday, was just as craft positive as the days preceding. I practiced a little sewing and embroidery in order to embellish this very special jacket, which belonged to my late father...

The man wasn't exactly an avid carnivore, but I think he would get a kick out of the felted meat appliques...

And utensil embroidery.

Dad was my biggest fan after all, cheering me on creation after creation.
Ahhh, fond memories of my father and my crafty weekend exploits almost quelled the blog-blocker frustration seizing my being. Almost.
Methinks I need to investigate mobile blogging...
Looking fabulous as always
your work sucks :P *work place:P*
I think your Dad would love the jacket....
Work has me blocked three ways from Sunday too. But i find that i can read most feeds through my iGoogle homepage. I set up a widget for my google reader and can read new posts from it. The trick is, I can't see any pics hosted at any of the popular pic hosting sites, nor blogger uploaded pics. But hey, I can still visit my own blog. Can't see my own damn pics but I can navigate to it!
What a weekend- wow! You made yarn! You rock!
I live in fear of the day work blocks me!
Your yarn looks great....those colors! Wow!
LOVE the meat appliques!
I blog almost completely on my little MacBook that I take with me everywhere. The only prob, you may not have WiFi in your office bldg. Find out. Good luck and Happy T-Giving!
All of us cube farmers need to rise up in a revolt....my company did the same thing the other day! I have found that I can read posts using Bloglines (can not comment so I make a mental note on who I need to go back to.....but I think I will forget more often than I remember), and I can post if I send an e-mail to the blogger address....flickr is normally blocked for me, but if I access it via Ravelry it seems to let me go into it.
Bonne chance!
Your dad sounds like a wonderful man. What a lovely way to honor his memory.
As to cube farm prohibitions: you could still write the text of your blog posts at work and then just save or send them to yourself at home. It's not the same, but it might make things a little easier.
Isn't spinning fun!?!?
The dyed yarn is amazing !
I can't wait to see the loomed stuff.
I'm sure your dad would wear the jacket proudly :)
Happy Turkey Day to you and yours.
Oh so sorry about your firewall blog blockage, but so glad to read your presence now! Sounds like such an inspriational time and you had, and wow, yarn! How fab is that! You go girl! And I love your daddy's newly dolled coat. My heart to you.
sigh.. when I was working, it was as a teacher and you've no idea how tough and restrictive a firewall they had, as a matter of course.
Awesome jacket!
Another great work of art.
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