While at
Camp Pluckyfluff, Lexi mentioned her penchant for making "spirit beanies" from her own handspun. I loved the idea. Simultaneously, my spinning classmates were discussing what their vision of a post-apocalyptic spinners compound would look like, a discussion I found to be completely intriguing. Subsequently, upon my return home, I began to work up my homespun odds and ends into a few
Post-Apocalyptic Spirit Beanies...

Okay, they do look a little like hats for Blade Runner bag ladies. Come on though! Admit it! They do have a certain nutty charm
and they are a departure from my usual obsessive compulsive fair.
It's all about creatin' outside the confines of the proverbial box...
Happy Saturday Everyone!
Angelenos, don't forget about Felt Club tomorrow!
They look fabulous! Almost like 18th centry wigs, but in 21st century colours!
I just found your blog, and I have to say, you are a forensic scientist's DREAM!! We are a weird bunch in my profession, and I will be the hit of the lab in the saw-that-dripped-blood scarf or the "dem bones" scarf. You totally rock!
Super fab! I have a very similar hat I made out of Ozark Handspun, which has a very plucky fluff attitude.
See! I told you come the apocalypse you'd be OK!! These are great, love that style - any other ideas like this, apart from hats?
They are incredible, they make me want to shave off all of my hair and wear nothing but one of them!
They are totally cool!
Your Beanies look great. I think their cute. Did you crochet them?
I love these. I am battling with alopecia, and have decided if the crop circles on my head take over I am going to wear the coolest hats around, instead of hair. Here's an idea for my list of possibilities. Thanks for the inspiration (again).
I like the look!
Love your blog. Could you post the pattern to this and enlighten a tad about the materials/yarns you used for these caps. They are quite the snatch! Thanks for sharing.
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