Monday, June 26, 2006

Knitted Big Grill Wrap

This is the last barbecue of the season for me. I know, I know. It's a little early to make a statement such as that, but I've got lots of meats hanging off hooks about the freezer that is my mind so I need to get prepin', tenderizin' and cookin' the other yarn carnage!

At any rate, I present to you the knitted version of the Monster Crochet classic! The big momma of all yarn-based barbecues! The most ginormous grill you could ever wrap about your shoulders (modeled by this lovely and talented barbecue aficionado)...

Yep, this baby is mostly knitted, sporting intarsia steak appliques that don't sully the underside of the wrap with their, um, intarsia-ness.

The fabulous underbelly of the grilled beast, which looks almost as good as the front if I do say so myself...

Burgers and dogs are crocheted as I found they look much better made with hook than with needles.

However, I did knit the cheese...

Now I have two, yes two, fantabulous barbecue ready accessories to wear to my next outdoor grill-fest! The vision is clear...sitting around the fire with friends, cocktails all around, laughter bids the setting sun goodnight as it slips behind the backyard fence for its evening respite, the glowing coals fading as the sky grows dim, blanketing our summer just doesn't get much better than that folks!

May you all have much camaraderie, laughter and grilled flesh (or fibers) to cool your summer eves! Raise bottle of beer in tribute to the grill and always remember that meat is not just edible, it's wearable too...

Copyright 2006 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.


Deneen said...

You are a scream!

Sabra said...

There is something so lovely about the statement, "However, I did knit the cheese..." That's about single funniest line I've read in a year. Lovely work, as always.

Jennifer said...

This is awesome! I so need this pattern to live! Please tell me it'll be in a book or you'll have the pattern up for sale soon or something!!!!

aliastriona said...

You are completely insane, in about the best possible way.

I love your work...

Bri Ana said...

I feel like I lived up to my promise of doing "my best Lisa Solomon" for your poncho shots...


Jen said...

I love it! FABULOUS!

Pam said...

Perhaps you could cinch your grill wrap with those big grill tongs for the full effect! This is fantastic, you are amazing!

Ellen Bloom said...

Ooooh, love Pam's idea about using b.b.q. tongs for some sort of shawl pin! You are too faboo, Lady L! Bri looks excellent in meat.

Heather Cox said...

Lookin' fabulous dahling!

~drew emborsky~ said...

Hee heee - you knit the cheese! ;)

Seriously - waaaay cool!!!

chittavrtti said...

When I got to th part about the "Soiree" I suddenly had an image of, not a barbeque grill, but a shawl full of martinis, pink ladies, onions and olives. It's te Fitzgerald in me ;)**CV

Anonymous said...

That's awesome.

Norah said...

That's just amazing!!


Love that wrap..Why wait for a bbq to wear it? You could try wearing it when you next go shopping...and WATCH THOSE HEADS TURN.

Anonymous said...

That is totally awesome. I just love the stuff that you make. Very talented.

Susan Schwake said...

I have to agree with bellalinda...
LL you are truly a funny woman. I love this wrap and my two girls just bring your name up at every bbq.

(usually however it is about the olive loaf)

great work!

sgeddes said...

Totally crazy and cool! It would certainly liven up the old neighborhood cook-out. I think you found a great book title with you knit the cheese line.

Rebecca said...

you are completely fabulous!
i agree, knit the cheese would be a tremendous book title!

stuffed said...

That's hot. The perfect wrap for a Summerland bonfire night.

Shell said...

I absolutely love the attention to detail. I found that the knitted cheese slices were the perfect touch and the intarsia steaks; a masterpeace.

And now I'm hungry. ; )

turtlegirl76 said...

Brilliant! Knitted Cheese! Intarsia Steak! Kosher Hot Dogs! (Yarn is kosher - right?)

This is truly amusingly amazing.

Anonymous said...

I dont know if you ever heard of her or came across he page before, but I thought you would like it.

She made some really interesting things. Made me hungary.

Gina said...

love it!!!*squee!*

Maggie The LadyHawk said...

No, seriously, where can we get that pattern? Or at least a pattern of the seperate pieces? I live in perhaps the only mid-western small town that allows people to wear something like this and not be hanged. I. Must. Knit. Intarsia. Steaks.

(And your model is SUCH a ham, um, no pun intended)

LadyLinoleum said...

Deneen - I'm glad you find me comedic...

BellaLinda - Is knitting the cheese appropriate for public settings? I dunno.

Jennifer, Imaginary Maggie - I don't know that I can write up this pattern and sell it on my own anymore as the steaks et al are going to be published by Lark Books for the placemats. I will find out though.

aliastriona - yeah, I'm just about ready for the padded room. LOL I'm glad you enjoy my concoctions!

Bri - you were totally channeling Lisa! Lisa, did you see her?

Jen, Ellen, Heather, Rose, Norah, Brandy, Tara, Stuffed, Shell, Gina - Thanks you guys!

Pam - Don't give me any ideas...though I may have to make the tongs immediately!

Drew - Leave it to you to get the fart joke.

chittavrtti - Another fab idea! How's about a martini capelet. Very doable.

Jannikinz - Good idea!

Susan - The fact that your children talk about me is astounding to me. I'm all warm and fuzzy now. So glad my bologna is touching souls...

sgeddes, Rebecca - A book title huh? Yeah, it's not half bad...

Turtlegirl76 - Can yarn be kosher? Maybe I need to crochet up a few Hebrew National weenies.

Jessi - where the hell have you been girl? I've missed ya!

Cheryl:) said...

Oh my goodness.... I love this....
I too love the line... "however, I did knit the cheese".... I want that on a bumper sticker.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. I am now picturing all of the various accessories: bun hat with a mustard bottle top, beer bottle earrings (miniature versions, of course), a kabob tank top and a skirt or shorts representing a large tankard of ale (yes, I'm a beer lover). I can really see it...

FinnyKnits said...

My BBQ-obsessed midwestern hubby will love this! It's like you've wrapped yourself in the BBQ worshipers flag. Oh just so awesome, LL, you've downright outdone yourself. Kick ass!

Nancy said...

that looks to be a VERY warm wrap!

I love the things you come up with!

Red Rocket said...

As usual, your work is awesome!

This shawl makes me imagine some sort of musical for men. For some reason, I see Sonya Henie wrapped up in it, getting ready to go on the ice and skate the finale of 'A Grill is Lit' or 'My Lucky Pit' or something.

Anonymous said...

Holy barbeque cape, batman!

It's mouth-wateringly great.

Anonymous said...


Mandy said...

It's magnificent. I'm always amazed by your stuff, but this is quite a maserpiece. :)

Miri Mack said...

You are such an amazing artist of the 'que!

Dianne said...

That is very different! And I have never seen such big steaks! I'd have to wear this to the super market. : )

Crafty Andy said...

Oh My God I did not see this one. This is so Cool. You really have the gift .

Pamelamama said...

that is absolutely fantastic.