Last Friday, began as any other Friday on the Cube Farm Spread. Oh well, except for the hours of glamatization I endured before driving my rear over there...
Why oh why did I endure umpteen hours of glamming it up for and average day at the Cube Farm you inquire?
Well, this lovely and talented chickadee and I had a date with the peeps at Screen Door Entertainment, creators of such cable craftavision as Knitty Gritty, Stylelicious and Uncommon Threads, during the late (and HOT) afternoon hours of the day preceding our long holiday weekend. I think you know where this is going, but I will dish the dirt nonetheless...
Oh yes, Screen Door put out the virtual call for talent and (I'm sure that...) I was one of many who answered, sending the producer of the second season of Uncommon Threads not one, not two, but three proposals, all of which she sliced and diced into the two episodes we're set to begin taping in August. Pretty cool eh?
Oh I know that I've been verwy, verwy quiet about this factoid, but I wanted to be certain of the outcome of this little journey before shouting from the virtual rooftops that YES, Briana and I will be crocheting on television!
Can you blame me??? I mean, come on, I'm used to looking like a weirdo on the internet because I crochet and knit meat, guerrilla veggies and well, other sordid errata, but I will not misrepresent myself with delusions of grandeur. I'm more into verifiable grandiosity...
Okay, so beaming back to last Friday...Briana and I glamatized, nervous and excited, donning bags filled with Monster Crochet creations and a wad of collaborative designs blew the Cube Farm for much hotter pastures (i.e., the San Fernando Valley) to meet and greet a table full of cable television mavens.

Now, one thing about Bri and me, we may be nervous leading up to meeting such as the one that took place on Friday, but once we've entered the venue, deep breaths are taken...Lights! Camera! Action! We're on! No. Holds. Barred. Actually, in situations such as this, we're kind of scary in a, um, err, dazzling, gregarious, amazing crocheted meat sort of way.
You get the point.
Although, the 60" piece of crocheted bacon I showed the producers four did leave them a bit speechless...
Another piece of trivia that seems to startle inquiring minds as Briana and I take our newfound collaboration about town is the fact that we've only really known each other since last December. Oh sure, prior to our current meeting of evil creative minds, we'd encounter one another in the Cube Farm elevator and do the usual hi-how-are-you's, but didn't really venture a full conversation until holiday season '05 while wrapping a gazillion presents for our firm's charity fandango. The rest we shall say is history, for we both now believe that we were destined to meld creative forces. However, to the unknowing it seems as if we've been a creative team for decades even though the reality is that we just began designing together for this show, among other myriad future venues. Oooohs and aaaaahs usually ensue upon public disclosure of this factoid.
So yeah, needless to say the meeting went well. A spirited discussion was had by all seated 'round the table, which culminated with my favorite phrase as of late being bestowed upon us, "You guys are great!"
So, no floppage. And well, not flopping is a good thing!
I know you are probably most curious as to the episode content of our guest appearances on the show. First and foremost, we will be tackling a Halloween themed diddy. I know, big surprise there. The other is an episode titled "A Day at the Races". I'll let your minds ponder the possibilities about that one...
Definitely more to come on these and more exciting multimedia Monster Crochet and Idea Du Jour collaborative developments so stay tuned!
Oh, and this being Independence Day and all, I wish everyone a safe and happy 4th! Don't forget to wear your best crocheted and knitted meat selections!
Fantastic news. Keep us posted!
Congrats! (now go fix my link) ;)
Congratulations! Ditching the Cube Farm is always a good thing. Life among the Carpetlanders is way overrated, especially when you can be crocheting on the tee-vee instead!! W00t!
you guys are rock stars! :)
How hot is that! Y'all are going to rock craft world. Congrats!
I'm so unbelievably excited for you both! Its such great news!
"Meeting"? Wasn't it a "Meating"? ;)
I sent you an e-mail to your hotmail account about a microwave chicken book... let me know if you want it! (If microwaved chicken isn't scary enough, there's also a section on how to joint a chicken.)
"Although, the 60" piece of crocheted bacon I showed the producers four did leave them a bit speechless..."
oh my glory...I just can't stop laughing!!!!
Very cool. Can I say I knew you before you were all big and famous??
How exciting! I'm so happy for you. I think everyone needs to see your work. You are amazing.
You TWO are going to be awesome on TV!!! All my warmest cheers and best of luck to you!!! Wow!
Oh I love the knitty gritty show! This is wonderful news! Congrats, you should be so proud of yourself, you deserve it! 60 foot bacon, that's great!
Congrats, kiddo. Finally something worth watching.
Way to go!!!! Speaking of edible outerwear (NOT edible underwear)... you know what would be a great shawl/throw... A PIZZA! Imagine the topping possibilities... hee!
Congratulations! That's wonderful.
Eee! Congrats!
Congratulations! I'm looking forward to it!
Congrats Lady L. Keep us posted on the progress.
Show me the bacon!
Ah yes, I'm ready for my close up, Mr.DeMille...
Congratulations, so are the races be addinglegs to our vegetables? At any rate your creaticity will expand logarithmically and exponentially. I am very excited for all of you.
i cannot think of anyone who deserves it more. you are the bestest!
I have your blog bookmarked and read your oh-so-funny posts and oogle your COOL meat crochet a few times a month. Imagine my suprise when I saw your name on an email to me today - I am also being taped for uncommon threads the same time as you!! I am so excited!We are coming from New England, filming Tue/Weds so I hope we have a chance to chat and talk fiber!!
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