So, you can thank the buyer of Jolly Roger Numero Uno for the availability of the new set of charts on my sidebar! The charts are broken up into four separate pieces: skull; bottom half of saber; top half of saber; one complete saber. They are a bit of a challenge, but it you like intarsia (knit or crochet) then you'll find them interesting to work with.
Oh, that makes me all sorts of tingly (in a totally platonic way, of course). Yay!
That so rocks. Since it's piratey, would you call it intarrrrsia? Sorry- I make horrible jokes when I'm tired.
ARGH Matey,
you're so talented!
thanks for stopping at my blog the other day.. hangs head in shame sorry it took so long to come back around and say hey.
Oh yeah, this dude rocks much more than the other dude. Love it! :)
I just love your works. I specially love your piratey works!:)
hahahahahahahaaha - in TARRRRRR sia!!! That's friggin funny!
THANK YOU, oh, Buyer of Number One. We are forever in your debt.
Yeah! What Nichole said! That is awesome!
Honestly LL, your work just boggles my mind. Love it!
love it!
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