I know!
I've been outta sight. Hopefully not out of mind though.
Uh yeah, no need to respond to that last statement.
Anyhow, Monday morn last (verwy, verwy early I might add) I hopped a flight with Mom and Offspring to Boston for we were on our way to the Knit and Crochet Show in Manchester, NH.

Totally uneventful flight (just the way I like 'em), followed by an equally effortless cab ride to our hotel in Back Bay, preceded a lovely dinner at Stephanie's on Newbury.
The meal began with a wonderful dish of batter dipped and fried calamari rings and banana peppers along with a pitcher of sangria. Don't worry. The Offspring didn't get liquored up. Anyway, following that aperitif/appetizer portion of the program, LenaLinoleum indulged in the pan roasted pressed half chicken, MamaLinoleum in the red beet and Vermont goat cheese salad topped with a whopping side of salmon and I savored a no-so-light and lobster pot pie (yeah, there goes the health nuttiness I've worked so diligently to garner these last few months). Finally, we rounded out the meal with a shared slice of amazing blueberry pie topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Heaven on a plate, to be sure. The entire meal was lovely and much anticipated by we three chickadees because let's face it, handfuls of trail mix on a coast to coast jaunt does not a happy tummy make.
We pretty much crashed after dinner. Too much food on too little sleep.
Yesterday began with a trip to Massachusetts General Hospital for moi. Not exactly sight-seeing for the rich and famous, but what I neglected to tell you all about Monday morn (verwy, verwy, verwy early) was that I awoke with a nasty UTI. Unfortunately, I was forced to make a decision: forgo my Knit and Crochet wonderland holiday or pop a bunch of Aleve, hope for an aisle seat on the plane and find a physician upon my arrival. I picked the latter.
By 11:00 am I had antibiotics in my satchel and voicemail message on my phone from Boston's kitchy craft chick who also happens to be one of my fave crafty personas, which meant things were 'bout to be looking up! Mom, Lena and I were set to spend an afternoon with Stitchy and THE Bag 'n' Trash babe. How awesome is that? Nothing like shopping for crafty crap with those in the know.
Wanna see my newly acquired stash???
C'mon, you know you wanna.
Oh, I need to delay your stashification view for one moment...Before embarking upon craftuscollectus we five foxes took in a little pizza pie at this establishment. It was fantabulous. I had a slice of Sicilian topped with spinach and garlic. Now, before you start with the wise-cracks about my holiday diet I will tell you that pizza is very good for you. It has all of the food groups. Tomato sauce? Fruit. Spinach? Veggie. Cheese? Dairy. Dough? Grains. I'm pretty much off pepperoni for the long haul. Nonetheless, rationalization is the spice of life my friends...
Anyway, back to the stash enhancement...
Our first stop on the crafty path was Windsor Button. They have a really wonderful selection of yarn; everything from Malabrigo to good ole Red Heart Super Saver. I purchased a large hank of Cherry Tree Hill in a lovely clown hair colorway...

And a hank of sparkly, orange-y, fushia-y Blue Heron...

Our second stop was Winmil Fabrics at which I purchased two fabulous yards of graffiti spandex...I'm thinking leggings. Or not.

Neato eh? And not too indulgent. I do show restraint every now and again.
Mucho thanks to my Bostonian girls for their yarn-pushing hospitality. Gotta love that.
I have so much more to tell, but I will save it for tomorrow. I will, however, leave you with a few of my travel pics thus far...

That photo of the alley full of dumpsters really sums up Boston. (For the record, I don't dislike Boston. And I love that picture.)
i have 3 skeins of blue heron languishing in the stash. any ideas for it?
The Blue Heron is a colorway called "Tulip". I did my Clapotis with one hank of it. Absolutely a joy to work with, especially when it came to dropping the stitches. I managed to have only 12 inches of it left when I finished. I weighed it as I went.
awh LL, so sorry to learn of the UTI.
glad you are totally medded up though.
can't wait to see you! with bells on here and do we do dinner fri + sat? have two in mind....happy SUNNY day finally TodaY!
Great pictures! Just wanted to thank you for the comment on my little hat - my husband cracked up because when I saw your comment I squealed - I've been reading you blog and just love your work. Thanks and get feeling better!
Hope the antibiotics work their magic quickly! I love seeing my hometown thru Linoleum eyes!
Hope you're feeling better by now. Love the fabric, it would make perfect leggings. Crochet up some leg warmers and you'll have it goin' on!
hey lady. so great to meet you, your mom, and your totally awesome daughter (who happens to be very lovely as well). i'm glad you enjoyed yourself. sorry i missed the fabric store though. that fabric would look awesome for leggings for me. HA!
how did i miss the blue heron by the way? was i blinded by the clown hair?
Clown hair colorway!?! You are tooo hilarious, Lady L. Can't wait to see what you work up with that yarn.
I love Blue Heron! How 'bout a nice, cool tank top?
Looks like Boston was fun. Enjoyed meeting you today in class. Your yarn souvenirs are beautiful, make something great for yourself!
Sounds like a great time sans UTI, the pics are really great. Reminds me of how much I miss a northern city. Nice haul too :)
Mmmmmm.... Yummy. 'Cept for the UTI. That was just TMI. :)
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