PLB: Good evening Naboobians. I'm your host for Nightly Naboo, Princess Leia-Buns.

Tonight I'll be bringing you my exclusive interview with the Galaxy's most wanted evildoer, Draft Vader.

Until recently, public perception held that Vader had perished along with his
sordid little Empire at the end of
Episode VI due, in part, to some very harrowing
mini-furball action. Well, as it turns out our guest, otherwise known as "the dastardly detritus of the universe", actually didn't die along with his idiotic and often dysfunctional
Death Star II.
No, when it comes to this evil Lord you can be sure of two things dear viewers: Draft Vader wears the same tired outfit every, single, time he's spotted AND cheating death is pretty much second nature to him. So alive and well after the
fuzz-ball adventure flick concluded, Vader went underground in order to regroup and rebuild his insane, if often bungling, army. And as if that weren't enough, to make matters worse Vader has been waging a war of terror upon our reborn Galactic Republic for the last several months, often using our
beloved home world for target practice. Now that, my adoring audience, is
not very nice.
So, Mr. Vader, what have you got to say for yourself?
DV: I am your father.
PLB: What? You're not my father. King of the Buns is my father. Actually, you don't even look, well, male, this close up. Sperm donor you are not.
DV: I am your mother.
*PLB removes her galactic glasses from atop her nose.*
PLB: Um, no, you're not my mother either.
Hel-lo? Everyone knows my mother is Queen Cinn-a-buns, sole heir to THE Naboo Bun Dominion.
I come from a long line of proud Buns, thank you very much.

Tell me, your headgear looks as if it's...
No, it can't be...
*Returns cosmic coke bottles to front of face.*

Is your helmet

And are those Guinness cans?

I didn't think that the Trade Federation was able to afford the import tax on that Earth-based Irish brew...
DV: I am your bartender.
PLB: You are
not my bartender. My bartender is named Howard. He works nights at Studio Naboo and that man makes a mean Naboobian Sling. I hardly think that Howard would be rebuilding an evil empire while donning a crocheted Guinness can helmet by day and also working nights at the club. The man has to sleep after all!
*Removes spacey spectacles.*

Is that helmet thingie crocheted from acrylic yarn?
I mean, I know that there are new Super Naboo Yarn Marts popping up all over the planet's surface, but come on! Couldn't you pick a softer, more pliable fiber to use?

Red Heart Super Saver is
so last galactic empire.
DV: I am your hooker.
*PLB returns galactic goggles atop her nose.*
PLB: Listen Mr...aaah, no,, no...oh, I know...
freak with the can helmet! I'm not touching
that one with a ten-foot light saber.
*Removes interstellar rims.*
On second know who I think you are?

I think you're crazy!
I think we should call your new army Stormpoopers instead of Stormtroopers! Yeah!
*Replaces interplanetary peepers to bridge of nose.*

And I think your helmet is stupid!
Actually, I think you're stupid!
*Sheds third and fourth cybernetic eyes.*


*Smoothing out buns while returning bionic blinkers to top of nose.*
This has been Princess Leia-Buns with an exclusive...
DV: I am your bun warmer.
PLB: Oh, will you shut up! Jeez!

Well folks, that was illuminating was it not? I think Draft-In-A-Can Vader needs a tighter jacket, if you know what I mean.
*Takes her universal shades off one more time.*

Princess Leia-Buns here, wishing all of Naboo a nightie night...
Debbie, this one's dedicated to you and Tin Can Alley!Crochet Stats-O-RamaMore pics courtesy of my darker half, none other than the hubster:
With front vent attached...

Without vent...

From the back...

Detachable vent...
Yarn: Red Heart Super Saver
Hook: US G Hook
Aluminum: 8 cans of Guinness (It was a difficult task for me to down all of this dark goodness in a can, but I was drinking for the crochet cause. What do you want from me?)
Pattern: It's all me.
Copyright 2007 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.